May 26, 1997 [My Companion] is the new AP, and my new comp will be [Elder]. [He was told] he’s being put with the hightest bapting Spanish ZL in the mission (me). Who would ever have thought? And for him to listen and learn. We heard gunshots tonight (3) [followed […]
Tag: zone meeting
NYNYS Mission February 15-21, 1997
We hunted down an investigator to a Pentecostal church then I bore my testimony in the church. The rest was good old fashion missionary work.
NYNYS Mission February 8-14, 1997
Journal entries from my mission. NYNYS Mission February 8-14, 1997
NYNYS Mission January 8-13, 1997
Wow, what a day, we were supposed to have like 10 investigators at church. Only had 4 come. But we had 15 from our zone. After church, we went to go and see one of our investigators who said they would like to be baptized.
NYNYS Mission December 19-27, 1996
Man, was I that bad? Did I really walk everyone to death? I know I walked a lot. I only had a car for 2 months of my mission and never had a bike. I had to walk everywhere. Most of the time, I couldn’t keep up with my companions because they were taller and their legs were longer than mine. The likelihood is that my first companions instilled in me the work ethic of hustling. Personally, I always felt I was doing my best to follow the spirit. To put my whole heart, might, mind, and strength into the work. But periodically I had really difficult companions. Or I guess, I was really difficult and couldn’t recognize it.
NYNYS Mission December 11-18, 1996
Manhattan Day. I went with [Elder – An old companion] and his current companion (I forgot his name), and a member, Adriana from Woodside. We went to breakfast then Central Park. Some man was feeding pigeons, so we did also. They would fly up on your hand. Then we went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and saw paintings by Picasso and Dali, as well as some Egyptian stuff.
NYNYS Mission October 9-14, 1996
Well on the way back we were making a routine transfer on the train when a wailing voice came out of nowhere “There is only one book that is the word of God” and so on… We’re like “Oh brother.” We kept quiet. I was impressed. “The Mormon Church is wrong.” he continued. Oh well. He followed us on the train but beforehand he said. “Some are Muslims, Some Buddhists Some Mormongs.” Then someone added, “Some crazy Christians” I chuckled. Anyhow to make it short, it lasted the whole way home. As we got off, he hung out the door yelling at us. But two missionaries stayed on and one was behind him as we walked by. I looked out the corner of my eye to see this man come flying out of the train with a little help of the “laying on of hands” by [Elder]. It was so funny. I later heard there was a round of applause, high fives, and cheers by those still on the train. And oh, someone said, “They must not be the true church either.” Oh well, it was sure funny anyhow. The doors closed as he went.