Meme – Our Souls Cry Out

“Our souls cry out: ‘God hasten the day of the coming of thy Son,’ and yet we know that such cannot be. The day is fixed and the hour is set. The signs have been, are now, and will hereafter be shown forth. Our obligation is to discern the signs of the times lest we, with the world, be taken unawares” – McConkie, Millennial Messiah, 405

How did I do this week? January 14, 2024

This blog is about my spiritual quest to be “Worthy of Zion” I have taken the liberty to talk about a few other things, some doctrinal and some reviews. Honestly, I’m not a huge reader. So, if I can watch or listen that is a big plus. I have really enjoyed a few things lately. It’s not so much that I think any one of them are right, more than I really like the topics and the way they present them.

Esdras Eagle

If I read this at face value, it says:
– Biden’s term will end early
– The next presidency is going to be a train wreck.
– It will be upset by one of the branches of government.
– Within 2 to 3 election cycles America will cease to exist.

Timing of the Second Coming

When I was young growing up as a kid, I was not a believer. I hasn’t had that witness of hte Holy Ghost telling me God existed. I think because of that, the benchmark I always looked to was the year 2000. I would turn 27 in the year 2000. It was difficult for me to see myself ever existing up to or past that time, let alone past that time.