We Really Can Ascend to Mount Zion

We need to believe in angels and miracles and the promises of the holy priesthood. We need to believe in the gift of the Holy Ghost, the influence of good families and friends, and the power of the pure love of Christ. We need to believe in revelation and prophets, seers, and revelators and President Russell M. Nelson. We need to believe that with prayer and pleading and personal righteousness, we really can ascend to “Mount Zion, … the city of the living God, the heavenly place, the holiest of all.”

JAMES P. PORTER – Receiving and Recognizing the Holy Ghost

Brother Porter starts by illustrating how the human body uses growth hormones created by endocrine glands to tell the body what to grow. Only certain cells can receive these messages and need interceptors to in a sense receive the messages or hormones created by the endocrine glands. The human body truly is miraculous. Our bodies and spirits are much like these cells. We need to develop spiritual receptors to receive the messages of the Holy Ghost.