March 7, 1997, Friday. We had Zone Meeting. Nice. We have to do a New Study Program. […] We’re booked to go to the Branch President’s home every Friday afternoon to eat. Yes! Good food too. We went on a few splits today trying to work out some stuff. Do […]
Tag: New York
NYNYS Mission March 1-6, 1997
I’m going to add a few notes. I really had some dramatic ups and downs the first year and a half of my mission. In Dyker Heights, things really started to turn around. If my memory serves me well, I hit my top gear the next few months of my mission. Brownsville then East New York (second time), then back to Dyker Heights (a second time) the last month of my mission.
NYNYS Mission February 22-28, 1997
Excerpts from my mission journal entries. I was serving in the New York New York South Mission.
NYNYS Mission February 15-21, 1997
We hunted down an investigator to a Pentecostal church then I bore my testimony in the church. The rest was good old fashion missionary work.
NYNYS Mission February 8-14, 1997
Journal entries from my mission. NYNYS Mission February 8-14, 1997
NYNYS Mission February 1-7, 1997
Mission stories from the NYNYS Mission February 1-7, 1997.
NYNYS Mission January 27-31, 1997
My mission experiences between January 27 and 31, in the New York New York South Mission. This area was Sunset Park Brooklyn.
NYNYS Mission January 20-26, 1997
January 20, 1997, Monday Well, wow. What a day. We worked, worked, and worked, and nothing. But, we got some good referrals. We had planned first but then went to eat at Taco Bell (PS, not just to eat, but to hear white boy music…) Well, we got there and […]
NYNYS Mission January 14-19, 1997
New mission journal entries. NYNYS Mission January 14-19, 1997
NYNYS Mission December 19-27, 1996
Man, was I that bad? Did I really walk everyone to death? I know I walked a lot. I only had a car for 2 months of my mission and never had a bike. I had to walk everywhere. Most of the time, I couldn’t keep up with my companions because they were taller and their legs were longer than mine. The likelihood is that my first companions instilled in me the work ethic of hustling. Personally, I always felt I was doing my best to follow the spirit. To put my whole heart, might, mind, and strength into the work. But periodically I had really difficult companions. Or I guess, I was really difficult and couldn’t recognize it.