NYNYS Mission November 23-30, 1996

President Baily called this morning and talked to me. He said wow, It’s been a long time. But we’re excited to make you one of our new District Leaders. You’re one of the hardest-working missionaries in the mission. You’ll do good. Are you ready? Are you ready to do it, to lead by example, and lead the people in your district?

NYNYS Mission October 9-14, 1996

Well on the way back we were making a routine transfer on the train when a wailing voice came out of nowhere “There is only one book that is the word of God”  and so on…  We’re like “Oh brother.” We kept quiet.  I was impressed.  “The Mormon Church is wrong.” he continued.  Oh well. He followed us on the train but beforehand he said.  “Some are Muslims, Some Buddhists Some Mormongs.”  Then someone added, “Some crazy Christians”  I chuckled. Anyhow to make it short, it lasted the whole way home. As we got off, he hung out the door yelling at us. But two missionaries stayed on and one was behind him as we walked by.  I looked out the corner of my eye to see this man come flying out of the train with a little help of the “laying on of hands” by [Elder].  It was so funny.  I later heard there was a round of applause, high fives, and cheers by those still on the train.  And oh, someone said, “They must not be the true church either.”  Oh well, it was sure funny anyhow. The doors closed as he went.

NYNYS Mission September 12-18, 1996

A while ago we were fealessing in Rosevelt and in Sunny Side a man approached us on the corner and said, “Hay did I tell you about my experience with Jehova Witnesses?” I’m like, “No.” Well, he proceeded. “One day a lady stopped me you know, with the little magazines, and asked, do you want to be a Jehovah’s Witness?” And he said of himself, “How could I? I didn’t see the accident”.

NYNYS Mission August 25 to September 1, 1996

Sex and Abortion are plagues in New York City. From the number of people who live out of wedlock, to the number who have illegitimate children, to those who have lots of illegitimate children with lots of different people, to those who abort all their pregnancies. I talked to so many women that had abortions. Most I dealt with were unable to get baptized. I haven’t gotten to it yet, but the worst I was saw was a mother and two daughters who we were going to baptize, then we found out that between the three of them, if I remember right, they had 20-30 abortions. It’s hard to imagine.