Some more mission journal entries.
Tag: New York
VLOG Post 3 – Called to Serve
In this post, I briefly talk about a few of the issues my family is facing. Then transition into my daughter leaving on her mission. The bulk of the video is about my own mission experience. Some of the issues my friends had and some of the things I experienced on my own mission. It is fun to reminisce about just how crazy it was in Brooklyn and Queens New York.
NYNYS Mission April 28 – May 6, 1997
More mission tales from East New York in the New York New York South mission. I feel like this post should be titled “Shout at the Devil!” Isn’t that a Motley Crue song?
NYNYS Mission April 21-27, 1997
April 21, 1997, Monday Well, what a day. We had another baptism. We’re now at 33. 1 away, 2 to break it. I am on a new kick to follow the spirit. I’m trying. Nothing cool happened I guess. April 22, 1997, Tuesday Well, we worked hard today and also […]
NYNYS Mission April 14-20, 1997
Some additional mission stories from the New York New York South Mission.
NYNYS Mission April 11-13, 1997
Mission Stories – We had an appointment with a girl named Brenda, a beautiful young lady from Santa Domingo. At her home, we waited for her and she came out. I was going to stand up and shake her hand. She came from behind me as I stood up turning around. She bent down to do the kiss-on-the-cheek thing and surprise, surprise, our lips almost met.
NYNYS Mission April 5-10, 1997
April 5, 1997, Saturday Well, we got to [General] Conference and after the first session had 5 baptisms, […] Yeleny and her brother, and three others. The Bomb. It’s a good start. We only had 3 fall out. Then we went on splits again to solidify more commitments and do […]
NYNYS Mission March 29 to April 4, 1997
When we walked in she said. “You know? I didn’t get to read the book.” We were [sad], She said, “Ya, my man took it and wouldn’t stop reading it.” She said she’s going to be Mormon […] It was the bomb.
NYNYS Mission March 22-28, 1997
Nice and warm. 2 days without jackets. We found a [dime bag] of marijuana. 2nd time.
NYNYS Mission March 15-21, 1997
I’m so sore. It hurts to walk but we went to Rego Park for a test today. Oh Saturday, we got our rings NYS Priddis. It will always help me remember here. I guess I’ll feel like a pimp daddy back home.