NYNYS Mission December 19-27, 1996

Man, was I that bad? Did I really walk everyone to death? I know I walked a lot. I only had a car for 2 months of my mission and never had a bike. I had to walk everywhere. Most of the time, I couldn’t keep up with my companions because they were taller and their legs were longer than mine. The likelihood is that my first companions instilled in me the work ethic of hustling. Personally, I always felt I was doing my best to follow the spirit. To put my whole heart, might, mind, and strength into the work. But periodically I had really difficult companions. Or I guess, I was really difficult and couldn’t recognize it.

NYNYS Mission December 11-18, 1996

Manhattan Day.  I went with [Elder – An old companion] and his current companion (I forgot his name), and a member, Adriana from Woodside.  We went to breakfast then Central Park.  Some man was feeding pigeons, so we did also.  They would fly up on your hand.  Then we went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and saw paintings by Picasso and Dali, as well as some Egyptian stuff.

NYNYS Mission December 1-10, 1996

We were walking down the street […] about to go into a store (RiteAid) when a lady and girl were exiting and I felt I should go and talk to them. But I continued into the store. I felt it again, so I ran out (without my companion) and chased them down. Just as they went into a store, so I waited. When they came out they were the bomb.

NYNYS Mission November 23-30, 1996

President Baily called this morning and talked to me. He said wow, It’s been a long time. But we’re excited to make you one of our new District Leaders. You’re one of the hardest-working missionaries in the mission. You’ll do good. Are you ready? Are you ready to do it, to lead by example, and lead the people in your district?