This is the lady we were never able to teach long ago. 3 months ago. Anyhow, she’s interesting. She couldn’t have children and drank a lot, smoked a lot, and did a lot of cocaine. One day she prayed to God and told him if she could have a child, she would quit all that stuff. 2 weeks later she was pregnant. We happened to come by the first time just after she had the baby. Now she is a lot more comfortable with it. This is a very good time for her to get baptized.
Tag: Jamaica Queens
NYNYS Mission June 17-22, 1996
So, a few things. I didn’t write about it, but I remember the baptism at Rockaway Beach. It was the only baptism I went to at the beach. I remember there being a dozen missionaries there and the beach was loaded with hundreds of people if not more, all in their swimming attire. After the person was baptized, everyone on the beach started clapping. Yes, we did have pagers. I had one. I thought I was cool beans.