NYNYS Mission September 12-18, 1996

A while ago we were fealessing in Rosevelt and in Sunny Side a man approached us on the corner and said, “Hay did I tell you about my experience with Jehova Witnesses?” I’m like, “No.” Well, he proceeded. “One day a lady stopped me you know, with the little magazines, and asked, do you want to be a Jehovah’s Witness?” And he said of himself, “How could I? I didn’t see the accident”.

NYNYS Mission August 25 to September 1, 1996

Sex and Abortion are plagues in New York City. From the number of people who live out of wedlock, to the number who have illegitimate children, to those who have lots of illegitimate children with lots of different people, to those who abort all their pregnancies. I talked to so many women that had abortions. Most I dealt with were unable to get baptized. I haven’t gotten to it yet, but the worst I was saw was a mother and two daughters who we were going to baptize, then we found out that between the three of them, if I remember right, they had 20-30 abortions. It’s hard to imagine.

How did I do this week? January 14, 2024

This blog is about my spiritual quest to be “Worthy of Zion” I have taken the liberty to talk about a few other things, some doctrinal and some reviews. Honestly, I’m not a huge reader. So, if I can watch or listen that is a big plus. I have really enjoyed a few things lately. It’s not so much that I think any one of them are right, more than I really like the topics and the way they present them.

NYNYS Mission August 6-11, 1996

We got a new correlator and I’m very excited to work with him. He really wants to baptize so that’s exciting. Calls came and my comp is off to Staten Island.

I guess there was a bomb up the street from our house last night. They had 2 ambulances a bomb squad and about 6-7 police cars. Crazy. Ya, we didn’t stick around they had about 2 blocks roped off so you couldn’t go in the blocked-off area.

NYNYS Mission July 24-31, 1996

Wow, we got ready to leave and left this morning going to a street meeting. As we walked down the road not more than two streets from our house a drunk man stopped us.  We had passed him and he said “Hay you!” We went back and he said, “Hay, you talk about God, ya?”  We said, “Yep.” He acted a little weird and denied the first time he was drunk and I would have left but he said, “Come to my house and talk to me about God.” I thought wow, street meeting or give him a few minutes? So we went with him to his house.  I know he was plastered beyond belief.

How did I do this week? November 22, 2023

I have a broken pelvis from a bike accident when I was in my early 20’s. I have increasingly been less and less active over the last five years as a result of increase pain and lack of mobility with that leg. After consulting with a few doctors, I have determined I need total hip replacement. Not a big deal these days. But I need to lose some weight and get myself healthier to do this.