Maybe being called a “Christian” is similar to being called a “Mormon.” We should desire to be called by his name, Jesus Christ. Maybe the word Christian is a subtle distraction from the name we should seek to follow. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ. Honestly, after everything that was explained… I’m not sure that the word Christian is much better than the word Mormon.
Tag: hello saints
Pastor Jeff and Dallas Jenkins Interview
I stayed up last night and watched the new video released by Hello Saints and Pastor Jeff, featuring Dallas Jenkins, the creator of The Chosen. I found the video really interesting, as it was insightful to hear what two faithful evangelicals had to say about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Here are a few of my takeaways.
A Review of Hello Saints Visit to the October 2020 General Conference
A review of Hello Saints with Pastor Jeff and his wife Joy having attended the LDS General Conference. It’s my take on what they said and what they missed. I think they missed the analogy of Priesthood Power.
Ye Know Me Not
Do you know God? For how knoweth a man the master whom he has not served, and who is a stranger unto him, and is far from the thoughts and intents of his heart?
Pastor Jeff from Hello Saints Attends Education Week
A review of Pastor Jeff from Hello Saints attended Education Week at BYU. Let’s talk about what he learned and share a few thoughts about it.
Hello Saints – Pastor Jeff & wife – The Garden of Eden
They start to talk about the differences between our beliefs in the Garden of Eden. In one way it is so surprising to me, in other ways, it is not.
Abraham was what?
I was listening to the latest Hello Saints video and Pastor Jeff caused my ears to perk. In his latest video talking with Dr. Jared Halverson around the 10:30 min mark Pastor Jeff says: “Abraham was a pagan idol maker out east and then becomes the father of the Covenant.” I was like, HOLD THE FRONT DOOR!
Pastor Jeff from Hello Saints Visits the MTC
These missionaries are sons and daughters that have in most cases, barely graduated from High School and never lived away from home. They are all experiencing life on their own for the first time. In a lot of cases, their testimonies are small. Yet they have chosen to serve God. Be kind to them and get to know them. They are each amazing people.
Review – Pastor Jeff and Hello Saints – Pastor Explores RACE in LDS History with Conlon Bonner
I couldn’t help but be amazed at how beautiful a soul Brother Conlon Bonner is. Wow, what an amazing man. It is worth watching just to hear Colon’s testimony and life story.
Review – Pastor Jeff and Hello Saints – 6 Tips
First of all, I think this is one of the best videos Pastor Jeff has done on Hello Saints. I think this was his strongest attempt yet to build bridges between these two communities.