“In coming days, we will see the greatest manifestations of the Savior’s power that the world has ever seen. Between now and the time He returns “with power and great glory,” He will bestow countless privileges, blessings, and miracles upon the faithful.”
Tag: General Conference
How did I do this week? January 14, 2024
This blog is about my spiritual quest to be “Worthy of Zion” I have taken the liberty to talk about a few other things, some doctrinal and some reviews. Honestly, I’m not a huge reader. So, if I can watch or listen that is a big plus. I have really enjoyed a few things lately. It’s not so much that I think any one of them are right, more than I really like the topics and the way they present them.
REVIEW – Hello Saints – Pastor REACTS to Latter-day Saint View of Afterlife
This is going to be interesting. The talk given by Elder Oaks was marvelous. I absolutely loved it. But, how will Pastor Jeff take it? I can see it rubbing him wrong in a few places. He has hinted time and time again that this doctrine rubs him wrong because in his eyes it conflicts with the bible.
REVIEW – Pastor Jeff Reads 3rd Nephi – Part 2
There was a connection Pastor Jeff made at the [11:45] mark where he found the scriptural foundation for not focusing on the resurrection and not the cross.
He realized that in the bible the phrasing was pre-crucifixion and in the book of Mormon it was post-resurrection. And they were both phrased differently:
A Bishop Thinks Celestial
At church today, the bishops got up to bear his testimony and said the prophet asked us to think spiritual. Toward the end of his testimony, he confesses that he received 5 text messages about his error. Then made the correction, the prophet asked us to think celestial.
General Conference – October 2023 Evening Session
She is my sister; he is my brother.
General Conference – October 2023 Afternoon Session
The greatest lesson we can learn in mortality is that when God Speaks, we listen. I think I typed that up wrong. But I reminded me of what I tell my kids and primary kids (when I taught primary). The most important thing you can learn in your life is to learn to hear and recognize the Holy Ghost. That is so important. I cannot even say how much.
General Conference – October 2023 Morning Session
My wife asked me the other day, what do I want out of General Conference? I asked her, what do you mean? She said, I should ask for some questions I would like answered while listening. I hadn’t thought about that. It wasn’t hard to come up with something to ask for. I want to know what I need to do to be “Worthy of Zion”.
Instant Backache
As I got into the truck I was thinking about listening to the next book or finishing the book I was listening to in the Apocrypha, which was Baruch. As I got into the truck, my back started to throb in sharp bursts of pain, down where my kidneys are. It was a throbbing pain that felt like somebody had punched me in the kidneys and my muscles were spasming.