Elder Alexander Dushku Pillars and Rays

Rather than sending us a pillar of light, the Lord sends us a ray of light, and then another, and another. Those rays of light are continuously being poured down upon us. The scriptures teach that Jesus Christ “is the light and … life of the world,” that His “Spirit giveth light to every man [and woman] that cometh into the world,” and that His light “fill[s] the immensity of space,” giving “life to all things.” The Light of Christ is literally all around us.

How did I do this week? January 14, 2024

This blog is about my spiritual quest to be “Worthy of Zion” I have taken the liberty to talk about a few other things, some doctrinal and some reviews. Honestly, I’m not a huge reader. So, if I can watch or listen that is a big plus. I have really enjoyed a few things lately. It’s not so much that I think any one of them are right, more than I really like the topics and the way they present them.