Some additional mission stories from the New York New York South Mission.
Tag: Fearlessing
NYNYS Mission April 18-20, 1995
So, some more mission stories. I must say. I’m not going to justify my actions. I realize growing up, it took me a while to really clue into life. Once I clued in, I realized I wasn’t naturally born with leadership skills. I’m grateful for these experiences. But from what I’m reading about myself, I kind of feel like I was more an expletive than a leader. I know some people wouldn’t acknowledge their faults quite like this, but I admit I have them
NYNYS Mission Aug 16, 1995
Aug 16, 1995
Today was my first day. We had an orientation and breakfast until 11:00 AM. Then went to a chapel where everyone was transferring. It was crazy. My new companion is Elder Neilson.
NYNYS Mission March 10-17, 1996
March 10, 1996 (Sunday)
We went out and looked for somebody we could baptize that day and found a man. He lived in the sister’s area but we took him to the church and taught him. I was so impressed with my comp. I taught the man about God and Jesus Christ, then my comp told him God calls prophets. Then we committed him to be baptized.