More stories from my NYNYS Mission. This saga includes baptizing a Dominican beauty queen, the virgin Mary appearing in a tree, and a man speaking in tongues to us.
Tag: East New York Brooklyn
VLOG Post 3 – Called to Serve
In this post, I briefly talk about a few of the issues my family is facing. Then transition into my daughter leaving on her mission. The bulk of the video is about my own mission experience. Some of the issues my friends had and some of the things I experienced on my own mission. It is fun to reminisce about just how crazy it was in Brooklyn and Queens New York.
NYNYS Mission April 5-10, 1997
April 5, 1997, Saturday Well, we got to [General] Conference and after the first session had 5 baptisms, […] Yeleny and her brother, and three others. The Bomb. It’s a good start. We only had 3 fall out. Then we went on splits again to solidify more commitments and do […]