A Candle Dream 

I was interviewing or had just started with a guy when he needed to step out for some reason.  I stood and started walking looking around.  I came across the weird candle.  It was like a short tapered vase with lots of sticks coming out the top, then a big match head on top.  It was almost like they took half a box of matches and combined them as one big match head.  Stuffed them inside a funny shaped candle vase.

Falling to My Death

As I have been reading my mission journals, I have come across many instances where I kept my past a secret. I’m not 100% sure what it was. The desire could have been from embarrassment or a feeling as though it was not appropriate. There was an extreme embarrassment around peers. Having to explain why I was so far behind my peers.

NYNYS Mission March 28-31, 1996

. The thing is that she had the same dream twice. The first and second time we visited them. She said she was standing in clouds and then she saw Joseph Smith and behind him were the twelve apostles and Joseph was asking her why don’t you repent? Please repent of all your sins. Let them go. And then they all broke into praising Jesus Christ saying Hallelujah and blessing his name.