Card of Death

I was listening to a conversation about the fall while driving home from work yesterday. During the conversation they talked about the dialog between Eve and the Serpent. As they talked about phrase “You shall not surely die,” my mind flooded with memories of my past. I can’t 100% say this is the first time, but the inspiration felt new. It seems through a glimpse of enlightenment listening to this dialog, the story of my conversion took on a different layer. I had also received two messages about death. One had come from Satan and the other one was from God. I received both messages around the time of my conversion to Jesus Christ. And for what seemed to be the first time, I noticed the similarity to the story of Eve and the serpent in the garden of Eden.

Two interesting things from today

I was at work today and one of my coworkers told me a story about a concert he had gone to the night before. It was Pantera and Lamb of God, two heavy metal bands. He said there came a point in the concert where they asked everyone in the audience to flip the bird. His daughter looked at her dad knowing it was bad, but asking what should I do? I listened to him explain that he told her it wasn’t a big deal and just do what everyone else is doing.

The Spirit in All Things

I think I mentioned that I have been pretty impressed with the books written by John Pontius.  I’ve read other stories before about near-death experiences and the thing that fascinated me the most about them was that the plants and rocks and other elements all seemed to have life.  Not just the life they live, but that they resonate sound, joy, and praise to God for their creation.