Be a Deciple of Jesus Christ

I love President Nelson’s optimism. During a youth devotional in 2019, he encouraged the youth to stand out and be different. Look, sound, act, and dress like a disciple of Jesus Christ. That is an incredibly powerful challenge. And it isn’t just for kids. I have had these thoughts in my own workplace. I should look, sound, act, and dress to match the example I want to be known for. And that example is a disciple of Jesus Christ.

A Candle Dream 

I was interviewing or had just started with a guy when he needed to step out for some reason.  I stood and started walking looking around.  I came across the weird candle.  It was like a short tapered vase with lots of sticks coming out the top, then a big match head on top.  It was almost like they took half a box of matches and combined them as one big match head.  Stuffed them inside a funny shaped candle vase.