President Benson said, “In the Book of Mormon we find a pattern for preparing for the Second Coming. A major portion of the book centers on the few decades just prior to Christ’s coming to America. By careful study of that time period we can determine why some were destroyed in the terrible judgments that preceded His coming and what brought others to stand at the temple in the land of Bountiful and thrust their hands into the wounds of his hands and feet.” – President Ezra Taft Benson
Tag: book of mormon
REVIEW – Pastor Jeff Reads 3rd Nephi – Part 2
There was a connection Pastor Jeff made at the [11:45] mark where he found the scriptural foundation for not focusing on the resurrection and not the cross.
He realized that in the bible the phrasing was pre-crucifixion and in the book of Mormon it was post-resurrection. And they were both phrased differently:
REVIEW – Pastor Jeff Reads 3rd Nephi
To start, I am very glad that Pastor Jeff had Greg Matson there as he reviewed this book. There are a lot of complex things taking place and Greg is sure to make sure they are understood.
Tad Callister’s Argument for the Book of Mormon
Tad Callister, author of the Infinite Atonement, recently spoke at Ensign College about facts that support the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. This talk was fascinating. Some of his arguments were absolutely amazing. This thoughtful and well-constructed talk argues in favor of the Book of Mormon. We will be looking at some of these arguments.
The Book of Helaman
A review of Pastor Jeff reading the Book of Helaman in the Book of Mormon. I’m going to purposefully skip the highlights, where he gives an outline of the stories he read.
Timing of the Second Coming
When I was young growing up as a kid, I was not a believer. I hasn’t had that witness of hte Holy Ghost telling me God existed. I think because of that, the benchmark I always looked to was the year 2000. I would turn 27 in the year 2000. It was difficult for me to see myself ever existing up to or past that time, let alone past that time.