Kim Curtis – Angel of Light

One day I was standing outside a classroom, waiting for one class to end and another to start when this girl exited the classroom.  To my astonishment, she was radiating with the most glorious light shining all around her.  She glowed like an Angel. I instantly felt drawn to her.   The next week I waited outside the door again, hoping to see this girl a second time.  Again she was glowing with light.  I knew I needed to know her, but I lacked the courage to talk to her. 

Songs and Conversion Story

This is my testimony and conversion story.

This is a video of songs and stories by Michael Priddis.

These songs were written over the last 20 years. The stories are experiences I have had along my journey in life. I talk about my change of heart and conversion to the gospel of Jesus Christ. My hope is that these somehow, these songs and stories might turn someone’s heart towards Jesus Christ. He is the Savior of us all.