March 10, 1996 (Sunday)
We went out and looked for somebody we could baptize that day and found a man. He lived in the sister’s area but we took him to the church and taught him. I was so impressed with my comp. I taught the man about God and Jesus Christ, then my comp told him God calls prophets. Then we committed him to be baptized.
Tag: Baptism
NYNYS Mission March 24-25, 1996
March 24, 1996 (Sunday)
She came reluctantly. Still not wanting to get baptized. So, her mom told her if she didn’t she would be grounded for a month. So she got baptized. It was bad she was out of control. All the members started saying she was possessed by the spirit of the devil (diablo). After she was baptized, she was jumping in and out of the font, making a lot of noise. It was bad.