I laid my hands upon his head and gave him the Holy Ghost, then proceeded to pronounce a priesthood blessing upon him. As I did so, I was filled with the most glorious and overwhelming feeling. It washed over me like a tidal wave. I had made a choice 7 years earlier to be his father and I did it as a choice, as an act of faith that I was doing the right thing. I did it without being acted upon. Now, all of a sudden, like a flood this feeling washed over me and the Holy Ghost testified that he was my child and he was supposed to be a part of our family. This was so unexpected.
Tag: Baptism
NYNYS Mission November 16-22, 1996
On the way home, they related to my comp how when they had their prayers they decided to do it like us. In the morning one of the girls went and asked the other if she had gotten an answer and it was if the answer was a voice or a dream Tony told Mariana it wasn’t either, it was just a feeling. It was true. She just knew it.
NYNYS Mission November 9-15, 1996
We found the Brooklyn Bridge so like good missionaries, we went sightseeing. We only walked ½ way over the bridge and we got some nice photos of the bridge and city. We walked our butts off.
NYNYS Mission November 1-8, 1996
We saw the snake eat today. Wow, he eats so fast, and a lot. A lot of mice. I thought that it was cool. Then we went to a baptism meeting in Midwood where we walked around and around trying to work everyone to come to the church but only ended up bashing with a lot of people.
NYNYS Mission October 15 to 29, 1996
I was serving a mission in Brooklyn and Queens. What else can I say.
This is one of my favorite songs. This particular version was created by the group Inside Out. If you are not familiar with the group Inside Out, I highly recommend their two albums “Sharing Time” and “Primary Colors.” They are two of the most creative albums I have ever heard. […]
NYNYS Mission – September 19-30, 1996
Wow, the day was interesting. We worked for a while at lunch then worked and visited a member. They fed us about an hour and a half later we had a dinner appointment and ate a lot again. Then taught someone and our last appointment, at Caesars. They fed us again. I couldn’t take it. Every bite was torture to me. I turned to my comp. We need to go. Now! I had to leave, I was going to blow at any moment. When I stood up I knew it was going to happen. I got my bag, but my comp wouldn’t hurry. I stood by the door to the bathroom. I said, “Boy, the food was good.” They were like, “Right, that is why you’re green.” I was like, “Honestly, I loved the food.” Just then my stomach curled and I stepped into the bathroom. I realized I wasn’t going to make it. They were all looking at me. Then all of a sudden as I was moving into the bathroom… blauuugh… my hand went up toward my mouth, but the food shot out of my mouth spewing all over the sink and mirror. I was so embarrassed. [Thinking to myself] I’m like, yeah, the food is good but I just didn’t have enough room for it.
NYNYS Mission August 25 to September 1, 1996
Sex and Abortion are plagues in New York City. From the number of people who live out of wedlock, to the number who have illegitimate children, to those who have lots of illegitimate children with lots of different people, to those who abort all their pregnancies. I talked to so many women that had abortions. Most I dealt with were unable to get baptized. I haven’t gotten to it yet, but the worst I was saw was a mother and two daughters who we were going to baptize, then we found out that between the three of them, if I remember right, they had 20-30 abortions. It’s hard to imagine.
NYNYS Mission August 12-24, 1996
Well along with many blessings comes humbling. I have the runs again. I had them bad for 3 days now. We just finished eating at a member’s house and had to hurry to a baptism. We were walking towards his house, I was with [Elder], my comp was with [Elder] at his house. We were 3 blocks from his home and it hit me. I had to go like lightning. All there were were buildings and fences. I ran up to a house and beat on the door. They didn’t come so I ran up to the other, nothing. I couldn’t hold it any longer. I was humiliated. Well, life goes on. I just hope my accident doesn’t ruin me by becoming part of the grapevine [gossip]. So, I ran home so nobody would see and took a shower then we hurried to the church. The baptism was so cool.
NYNYS Mission August 6-11, 1996
We got a new correlator and I’m very excited to work with him. He really wants to baptize so that’s exciting. Calls came and my comp is off to Staten Island.
I guess there was a bomb up the street from our house last night. They had 2 ambulances a bomb squad and about 6-7 police cars. Crazy. Ya, we didn’t stick around they had about 2 blocks roped off so you couldn’t go in the blocked-off area.