3 Nephi 11:38
38 And again I say unto you, ye must repent, and be baptized in my name, and become as a little child, or ye can in nowise inherit the kingdom of God.
Tag: Baptism
NYNYS Mission February 15-21, 1997
We hunted down an investigator to a Pentecostal church then I bore my testimony in the church. The rest was good old fashion missionary work.
Should I Serve a Mission
I spent some time writing a letter to my daughter about serving a mission. It was long. She may not read all of it. But I felt it was important for me to say these things. It stems from the question, are you serving a mission for the right reasons?
NYNYS Mission February 8-14, 1997
Journal entries from my mission. NYNYS Mission February 8-14, 1997
NYNYS Mission February 1-7, 1997
Mission stories from the NYNYS Mission February 1-7, 1997.
NYNYS Mission January 27-31, 1997
My mission experiences between January 27 and 31, in the New York New York South Mission. This area was Sunset Park Brooklyn.
Have I Been Born Again?
If we truly have a change of heart and we are born again, we will not desire to sin. But we will also call continually repent of our sins. We will rely upon His atoning blood to cleanse us of those sins. That we may be perfected through Him.
NYNYS Mission January 8-13, 1997
Wow, what a day, we were supposed to have like 10 investigators at church. Only had 4 come. But we had 15 from our zone. After church, we went to go and see one of our investigators who said they would like to be baptized.
Mormons believe they get to make their own planet
“Mormons believe they get to make their own planet.” When I heard those words come out of my co-worker’s mouth today, I had to interject. I said, no. That isn’t exactly what we believe. I don’t think anyone’s sitting around saying they get to build their very own planet. To […]
I know the Church is true
I know the Church is true.