The Dark Tunnel and Healing

When this mental health journey started, I wrote a post titled “A Dark Tunnel”. I had never been there before. As I walked up to this tunnel, I had the feeling to stop and take a photo. It was almost as though the Holy Ghost was telling me that this particular tunnel was significant. The strange thing is that it’s just an ordinary tunnel that goes under a road. There is nothing special about it.

Brad Wilcox

My two sons are adopted. They are both great boys, but both have their individual challenges. For my oldest son, it was clear pretty early that school was going to be difficult. He was born with an extra measure of energy. So much so he struggled to make it through a single school day. It became clear that the traditional school setting was not for him. When he was in about 3rd grade, he was placed in a special program in School District for all the kids who couldn’t assimilate to traditional learning.

A Bitter Cold Blessing

Let me expound. It was between 1 AM and 2 AM. It is 25 degrees outside. He was barefoot, in a t-shirt, and outside his wide-open bedroom window. He was stuck outside our locked house. I snowed 2 inches the night before. I asked him to climb back in. He couldn’t. He asked to be let in the front door. I walked out the front door. He was stuck standing on his tiptoes on top of the hose reel while clinging to his widow seal, which again was too high for him to climb through. As I let him in, I asked what he was thinking. Why did he do that? He said he was thirsty and wanted to get snow to eat for water