My wife asked me the other day, what do I want out of General Conference? I asked her, what do you mean? She said, I should ask for some questions I would like answered while listening. I hadn’t thought about that. It wasn’t hard to come up with something to ask for. I want to know what I need to do to be “Worthy of Zion”.
How did I do this week? Sept 17-23
It was my son’s birthday last weekend. We gave him an MP3 player for his birthday. He would rather have had a phone, but we haven’t gone that far yet. When his sister hit that age, we did buy a flip phone, then a Gabb phone. But she had a constant need and was super responsible. My son doesn’t do much that would require it. When we do, it will likely be as dumb as a brick.
End of Earth
Everyone has seen the images of the cosmos taken by the Hubble and James Webb Telescopes.
Some of the images are very interesting and thought provoking. Images of colliding galaxies, stars blowing up, and movement as though all the cosmoses are in motion. You can witness the difference stages of the evolutionary cycle of Gods creations. The cosmos is constantly in motion and constantly evolving.
NYNYS Mission June 7-11, 1996
Well, this is not going to make me look very good in some people’s eyes. But it is what happened. I’m not going to make any excuses. I remember a big focus of my mission being that we felt inspired that if the church was to grow in New York […]
Pastor Jeff Exposed
I watched part of a video by David Alexander who is a semi-recent convert to the LDS faith. He has been very vocal on YouTube about his conversion. I thought his story was interesting.
Ended with the Apostles
I was reading the Pearl of Great Price today and came across two passages that made me reflect upon Pastor Jeff. Not wanting to go to the extreme on him, but rather draw some differences. As I was reading these two verses flew off the page at me in relation to things I have heard Pastor Jeff talk about
Chris Priddis
Who is Chris Priddis? That is my father. I didn’t intend to write about him today, but circumstances seemed to lead to it. I’ll get back to him in a minute.
NYNYS Mission June 3-6, 1996
Wow, rain all day. 12 hours straight. Wow did we get wet. It’s a good thing we didn’t have an appointment today or we wouldn’t have gotten very wet. A member made us some hot chocolate. That was nice of them. Well, that’s about the extent of it all. Transfer calls came and [Elder] and I are together for one more month.
Two interesting things from today
I was at work today and one of my coworkers told me a story about a concert he had gone to the night before. It was Pantera and Lamb of God, two heavy metal bands. He said there came a point in the concert where they asked everyone in the audience to flip the bird. His daughter looked at her dad knowing it was bad, but asking what should I do? I listened to him explain that he told her it wasn’t a big deal and just do what everyone else is doing.
NYNYS Mission June 1-2, 1996
I had a sister missionary at the baptism last night tell me my spanish was better than my companion’s. I guess she hasn’t heard much of it. My Spanish bites. But, It was kind of flattering because my companion doens’t trust my Spanish and wont let me speak.