
I watched a program by Cwic Media on YouTube where Greg Matsen was talking about a woman who had become an end of the world fanatic. The basis of the discussion was this:

“Active Latter-day Saint Mother and daughter take unsuspecting son, Blaze Thibaudeau, to an unknown wintery gathering in the north. They leave without the father’s knowledge. The Mother, her brother, and the adult daughter appear to have gotten involved with an end-times cult. The Davidic Servant is supposed to be someone who is to prepare the way for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.”

RESPONSE – Pastor’s HONEST Response to Latter-day Saints: Baptism

OK, here is my response to Pastor Jeff’s response. That sounds link of funny. Let me start by saying I really like Pastor Jeff. I also really enjoy how he breaks down and articulates he beliefs in comparison to LDS beliefs. He has done this enough now that he is really gaining a strong understanding of LDS theology and I think does well articulating the differences. Even though I will be somewhat critical of him, I really do love him and what he is doing. I just think he is wrong.

Second Coming Timeline

YEAR EVENT & DETAILS SOURCE & SCRIPTURE 6 April 2000 OPENING OF THE SEVENTH SEALPalmyra Temple Dedication Palmyra New York Temple, Dedicatory Prayer ( Revelation 7:9-10; Rev. 7:9–17; Joel 1:14-15 The dedication of the Palmyra Temple was 170 years from the organization of the church. At the Palmyra Temple dedication, […]

End of Earth

Everyone has seen the images of the cosmos taken by the Hubble and James Webb Telescopes.

Some of the images are very interesting and thought provoking. Images of colliding galaxies, stars blowing up, and movement as though all the cosmoses are in motion. You can witness the difference stages of the evolutionary cycle of Gods creations. The cosmos is constantly in motion and constantly evolving.

Ended with the Apostles

I was reading the Pearl of Great Price today and came across two passages that made me reflect upon Pastor Jeff. Not wanting to go to the extreme on him, but rather draw some differences. As I was reading these two verses flew off the page at me in relation to things I have heard Pastor Jeff talk about

2 Esdras

I started listening to the book 2 Esdras. I was driving back from Vernal, UT to Cedar Hills, UT which is about a 3 hour drive. Honestly, I wanted to hear the full Esdras Eagle Prophecy. But I thought I would know and understand more if I read the whole book. Sometimes I have a hard time reading a lot. So, listening is great. The narrator on the YouTube video I chose was awesome.