On the car ride home, my wife told me that she hates listening to me talk about those things because it is almost as though I am excited for those things to happen.
Second Coming Timelines
A second also, and this disappeared more quickly than the first.
We may have just witnessed the collapse of President Joe Biden which could lead to the 2nd Feather “disappearing more quickly than the first” as foretold in 2nd Esdras.
Why is Esdras Eagle So Important?
The answer is easy. It is happening right now.
Esdras Eagle and Joe Biden
I think it is clear, the second will disappear more quickly than the first. In other words, Biden will not last until January 20, 2025. He will need to be replaced before the transition of power.
Second Coming Rumors
I loved this and it made me think about my own predictions of when the second coming will take place. In short President Hinckley talks about a false statement attributed to him while traveling in Africa with the prophet. President Hinckley was quoted as predicting the Second Coming would take […]
Morgan Philpot Videos
I’ve really been digging Morgan Philpot’s perspective on the last days. What a blessing it is to have someone so knowledgeable be so willing to share. I’m half recording this for my viewing. Obviously many of these will have similar content.
Is AI the antithesis of God?
It is hard not to believe that the advancements in AI are going to one day appear God-like in nature.
Matt Jeppson Review – Ecliptic Year
Genesis 15:18 In the same day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates:
Matt Jeppson Review – Tav & Aleph
I felt as though there was some significance to the 2017 and 2024 eclipses. I knew they were in the “last days” and I knew they were 7 years apart, which is symbolic of God and Righteousness. I also knew they made an X over the New Madrid fault. I also knew the Heartlanders believed the spot where they will intersect like an X may have been a Nephite place of gathering. How they timestamped the events of the last days I did not know. Clearly all speculation.
Esdras Eagle and President Biden
I am completely convinced that President Biden is the second short feather on the right wing. It is now February 10, 2024 and we are witnessing the continued decline of President Biden. Even through it all the left is holding onto him at all cost. Why?