Being worthy to enter Zion is personal. You either lived worthy, or you didn’t. You either followed Christ, or you didn’t. You either repented, or you didn’t. In the private times of your life, you are either spiritual or you are not. You either know how to listen to and feel the holy ghost or you don’t.
Second Coming
Zion will be established before the second coming. Signs and wonders will appear before that day.
Why is Esdras Eagle So Important?
The answer is easy. It is happening right now.
Esdras Eagle and Joe Biden
I think it is clear, the second will disappear more quickly than the first. In other words, Biden will not last until January 20, 2025. He will need to be replaced before the transition of power.
Trump Found Guilty – A Nation in Distress
I read a comment from someone on a news article in reference to the verdict. “This is the hill to die on.”
No, it isn’t. If you are going to die on a hill for something, make sure that something is Jesus Christ. Make sure it is for the things Jesus Christ taught; honesty, virtue, love, charity, and truth. In the end, the kingdom of God will prevail, the kingdom of men will not. The kingdom of Trump will not.
The Last Half of the Ninth Inning
Learn for yourselves who you really are. Ask your Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, how He feels about you and your mission here on earth. If you ask with real intent, over time the Spirit will whisper the life-changing truth to you. Record those impressions and review them often, and follow through with exactness.
Second Coming Rumors
I loved this and it made me think about my own predictions of when the second coming will take place. In short President Hinckley talks about a false statement attributed to him while traveling in Africa with the prophet. President Hinckley was quoted as predicting the Second Coming would take […]
Parallels between Babylon and Holiness
I talk about a few points Morgan Philpot makes in his last lecture. These center on the differences between Temples and Babylon, as well as other gospel parallels.
How did Utah get it’s name?
What was Utah before it was called Utah? How did Utah get its name?
Apocalyptic Dream
I had a dream last tonight that felt apocalyptic. I dreamed that Portland was destroyed by a nuclear attack, a massive traffic jam, people being shot. I don’t recall having had a dream like that before.
Morgan Philpot Videos
I’ve really been digging Morgan Philpot’s perspective on the last days. What a blessing it is to have someone so knowledgeable be so willing to share. I’m half recording this for my viewing. Obviously many of these will have similar content.