Hurricane Helene hit Florida, but the damage spread inland. Ashville North Carolina took an unexpected hit.
Second Coming
Zion will be established before the second coming. Signs and wonders will appear before that day.
My Body is an Aztec Temple
I watched this video produced by some guy with ADHD who was at the Democrat National Convention [DNC]. The very first question was; Democracy or Access to Abortion. The girl couldn’t make up her mind. She ended up choosing abortion over democracy. It’s almost gut-wrenching to think that someone could […]
Cleave Unto the Lord
This post addresses a concept called the Yichud Room in ancient Jewish marriage ceremonies. This is a brief discussion on the topic and how it relates to the atonement.
Glenn Beck – Michael Rush – Esdras Eagle
Glenn has a national audience, so it is fascinating to think this interview about Esdras Eagle would be heard by so many people. He has this discussion with Michael Rush, the man who discovered the prophecy written in 2nd Esdras in the Apocrypha.
Olympic Sacrilege
I was surprised to see a depiction of the Last Supper at the Olympic games. It was edgy with Christ being depicted by women and his apostles by an eclectic group of performers including drag queens. It looked as though it was supposed to be an artistic interpretation of the masterpiece painted by Leonardo De Vinci
2034 Olympics – Salt Lake City, Utah – Top of the Mountains
Well, it is happening again. Last night Salt Lake City, Utah was selected as the host city for the 2034 Olympic games. This should prove interesting.
Esdras Eagle and Kamala Harris
Does Esdras Eagle predict Kamala Harris? That is where we are at. Joe Biden has now dropped out of the race. The democrat party needs to pick a candidate now. News stories over the last few days reported Kamala Harris announced she had secured the delegates needed. In addition, she also raked in 50 million dollars in donations.
Joe Biden has not read Esdras Eagle
Well, Yeah, I’m sure. Look. I mean, if the Lord Almighty came down and said, “Joe, get outta the race,” I’d get outta the race. The Lord Almighty’s not comin’ down.
A Good Old End of Days Discussion
On the car ride home, my wife told me that she hates listening to me talk about those things because it is almost as though I am excited for those things to happen.
A second also, and this disappeared more quickly than the first.
We may have just witnessed the collapse of President Joe Biden which could lead to the 2nd Feather “disappearing more quickly than the first” as foretold in 2nd Esdras.