Well, it feels like I am healing. I can walk again. I can lift my leg again. I am not in excruciating pain anymore. I must say modern medicine is a miracle. I thank God I was able to have this surgery done. Otherwise, at some point, I would have ended up like the beggar at the pool of Bethesda.
Personal History
I’m going to categorize my life history here.
Michael J Fox with Coldplay – Fix You at Glastonbury 2024 – Parkinson’s
Having grown up with a father who suffered from early onset Parkinson’s, Michael J Fox was a part of the club. He didn’t know it, but we were proud to have him in our club.
How did I do this week? June 27, 2024
So, how did I do this week? Is just me analyzing my life. Am I doing the things I should be? Am I living the gospel? Am I having spiritual experiences? Am I trying to improve myself? Am I trying to be a disciple of Jesus Christ? If I am doing those things, I am more than likely on the right path.
The Day After – Hip Surgery
I really don’t know. I woke up easily and felt quite well. I took all the embarrassing situations like a champ. They had me up and walking about an hour after surgery. And, I left the hospital about six hours after surgery. I was there a total of about 12 hours from arrival to leaving.
I laid my hands upon his head and gave him the Holy Ghost, then proceeded to pronounce a priesthood blessing upon him. As I did so, I was filled with the most glorious and overwhelming feeling. It washed over me like a tidal wave. I had made a choice 7 years earlier to be his father and I did it as a choice, as an act of faith that I was doing the right thing. I did it without being acted upon. Now, all of a sudden, like a flood this feeling washed over me and the Holy Ghost testified that he was my child and he was supposed to be a part of our family. This was so unexpected.
It’s a Work Party… Or is it.
Off in the distance, I saw what looked to be the rowdiest people approaching the same lawn where we were sitting. They were acting rowdy; loud, obnoxious, tattoos, swearing, clearly not matching the crowd or the vibe at the park that day. My first thought was oh please, for the love of all that is holy, don’t sit by us.
Road Rage and Suicide
I recently learned a friend had committed suicide. I had unknowingly road raged this friend many years.
It Is Never Easy
It isn’t up to someone else to decide what I need to do to return to God, it is up to me. It is my path that I walk with God and the Holy Ghost. To walk that path more completely and to have that inspiration more completely, what do I need to do?
Weight of the World
My poor wife had to listen to me unload yesterday afternoon. I think I spent 30 minutes just spewing everything that was troubling me in my life on her. It was kind of like praying to my wife. She sat and listened as I unloaded. She was kind and understanding. Then we got up and made dinner.
Emily Belle Freeman and Martin Baron
Isaiah Seminary Teacher, Emily Belle Freeman, invited him and his class to tour her office at Temple Square. It was lovely.