One Step Forward Two Steps Back

That was the theme of yesterday, One Step Forward, Two Steps Back. I started the day fasting. I was super hungry, but it was going well. At maybe 10 or 11 AM I was visiting with our HR manager when my boss walked in and offered me some almonds. We were in the middle of discussing firing someone so my mind was engaged elsewhere. While sticking out my hand, I said, “Sure.” A few minutes later sitting at my desk, while swallowing my last almond, I realized I had just eaten in the middle of my fast. I wasn’t very pleased with myself.

Stupor of Thought

That is what I felt I had all weekend. I wanted to write something, and nothing would come to me. In fact, I had one moment I thought I had written something semi-wrong and controversial and I worried about it and worried about it. I searched through my website to see if I had written what I thought I had written, but I must not have because I couldn’t find it. I guess it just wasn’t a good weekend to be writing anything.