NYNYS Mission April 18-20, 1995

So, some more mission stories. I must say. I’m not going to justify my actions. I realize growing up, it took me a while to really clue into life. Once I clued in, I realized I wasn’t naturally born with leadership skills. I’m grateful for these experiences. But from what I’m reading about myself, I kind of feel like I was more an expletive than a leader. I know some people wouldn’t acknowledge their faults quite like this, but I admit I have them

NYNYS Mission March 28-31, 1996

. The thing is that she had the same dream twice. The first and second time we visited them. She said she was standing in clouds and then she saw Joseph Smith and behind him were the twelve apostles and Joseph was asking her why don’t you repent? Please repent of all your sins. Let them go. And then they all broke into praising Jesus Christ saying Hallelujah and blessing his name.