In this post, I briefly talk about a few of the issues my family is facing. Then transition into my daughter leaving on her mission. The bulk of the video is about my own mission experience. Some of the issues my friends had and some of the things I experienced on my own mission. It is fun to reminisce about just how crazy it was in Brooklyn and Queens New York.
My Family
Back in the Tunnel
This is pretty personal; about the mental illness we are experiencing in our family right now. I’m not sure it helps anyone, but it helps me at least express my feelings.
The Thanksgiving Roller Coaster
How was Thanksgiving? It was a roller coaster! It was full of highs and lows. There were some moments I could have been a better father. I can do better.
Some reflection. Today in Sacrament Meeting, when they announced Madilynn’s mission call, there was an audible gasp when they announced Missouri Independence Mission. I felt the Holy Ghost wash over me.
How did I do this week? Sept 25, 2024
This week started with traveling and ended with a mission call.
Hidden Treasure Revealed at Topaz Mountain
I’m not 100% sure how it happened, but I spontaneously agreed to take my boys to Topaz Mountian to hunt for Topaz crystals today, on Labor Day. We spent the weekend mapping out where we would go. We were on a hunt for: We thought we had everything we needed […]
Michael’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
I’m such a lucky duck. Both my AC and Dishwasher broke down on the same day. Happy Pioneer Day!
How did I do this week? July 6, 2024
Well, it feels like I am healing. I can walk again. I can lift my leg again. I am not in excruciating pain anymore. I must say modern medicine is a miracle. I thank God I was able to have this surgery done. Otherwise, at some point, I would have ended up like the beggar at the pool of Bethesda.
Michael J Fox with Coldplay – Fix You at Glastonbury 2024 – Parkinson’s
Having grown up with a father who suffered from early onset Parkinson’s, Michael J Fox was a part of the club. He didn’t know it, but we were proud to have him in our club.
How did I do this week? June 27, 2024
So, how did I do this week? Is just me analyzing my life. Am I doing the things I should be? Am I living the gospel? Am I having spiritual experiences? Am I trying to improve myself? Am I trying to be a disciple of Jesus Christ? If I am doing those things, I am more than likely on the right path.