She is my sister; he is my brother.
Path to Zion
Blog Posts about becoming worthy of Zion
General Conference – October 2023 Afternoon Session
The greatest lesson we can learn in mortality is that when God Speaks, we listen. I think I typed that up wrong. But I reminded me of what I tell my kids and primary kids (when I taught primary). The most important thing you can learn in your life is to learn to hear and recognize the Holy Ghost. That is so important. I cannot even say how much.
General Conference – October 2023 Morning Session
My wife asked me the other day, what do I want out of General Conference? I asked her, what do you mean? She said, I should ask for some questions I would like answered while listening. I hadn’t thought about that. It wasn’t hard to come up with something to ask for. I want to know what I need to do to be “Worthy of Zion”.
Chris Priddis
Who is Chris Priddis? That is my father. I didn’t intend to write about him today, but circumstances seemed to lead to it. I’ll get back to him in a minute.
Two interesting things from today
I was at work today and one of my coworkers told me a story about a concert he had gone to the night before. It was Pantera and Lamb of God, two heavy metal bands. He said there came a point in the concert where they asked everyone in the audience to flip the bird. His daughter looked at her dad knowing it was bad, but asking what should I do? I listened to him explain that he told her it wasn’t a big deal and just do what everyone else is doing.
NF – My opinion about the rapper NF
I went to an NF concert a week ago with Robbie. I was blown away. It was so powerful. I was so impressed. I would actually be a bit embarrassed to completely explain the way it impressed me.
Instant Backache
As I got into the truck I was thinking about listening to the next book or finishing the book I was listening to in the Apocrypha, which was Baruch. As I got into the truck, my back started to throb in sharp bursts of pain, down where my kidneys are. It was a throbbing pain that felt like somebody had punched me in the kidneys and my muscles were spasming.
How did I do this week? Aug 15, 2023
It’s actually the middle of a week, not the end of a week. Either way, it has been a few weeks since I have done an analysis of my path to Zion. Honestly, I don’t feel any closer. The last week or two has been tough. I don’t think there has been a part of my life that hasn’t been difficult.
A few thoughts on the last days
I remember as a kid, maybe in my early teens doing the math and thinking to myself, in the year 2000 I will be 27 years old. I can’t even imagine living that long. I couldn’t picture anything about what my life would be like.
How did I do this week? July 27, 2023
Wow, it has been a crazy week or two. Work has been hard. My car broke down. Shortly after my car broke down, I had planned to go with my boys on a young men’s campout. That was inconvenient.