How did I do this week? January 28, 2024

I feel as though I just pound my way through every week. By the time I get to the weekend I feel battle warn. There has been so much focus on just getting through life that when I pull up this blog and start to self-reflect on the week I can see I could have done better. I fasted and prayed this week. I listened to scriptures, conference talks, and other things. Either way, I still feel as though nothing really happened. I basically only feel a week older.

How did I do this week? January 14, 2024

This blog is about my spiritual quest to be “Worthy of Zion” I have taken the liberty to talk about a few other things, some doctrinal and some reviews. Honestly, I’m not a huge reader. So, if I can watch or listen that is a big plus. I have really enjoyed a few things lately. It’s not so much that I think any one of them are right, more than I really like the topics and the way they present them.

A Candle Dream 

I was interviewing or had just started with a guy when he needed to step out for some reason.  I stood and started walking looking around.  I came across the weird candle.  It was like a short tapered vase with lots of sticks coming out the top, then a big match head on top.  It was almost like they took half a box of matches and combined them as one big match head.  Stuffed them inside a funny shaped candle vase.

Unexpected Revelation

Then this sweet young sister missionary got up saying if she didn’t stand, she felt she would explode. Without going into too much detail she explained how she had been struggling and gone in to meet with the mission president. Her mission president asked her to read the following scripture: