REVIEW – Pastor Jeff, Hello Saints, Articles of Faith

This is interesting. I listened to it once. As I listened I knew I needed to respond to it. Pastor Jeff was joined by Pastor Kyle Beshears and the two of them discussed the LDS Articles of Faith and how they relate to protestant beliefs. It was interesting. I couldn’t help but realize the entire time I listened that they needed someone who was LDS guiding the discussion and adding some context. With that said, they made it sound as though Pastor Kyle Beshears had some significant knowledge but ultimately they were both lacking.

Peter Santenello – Dinner with Mormons

I can honestly say I have never heard of this guy or his YouTube channel before. It just looked interesting. I am a “Mormon” member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and so I have a particular interest in good stories about the LDS faith. From here on out I will refer to them as LDS.