I was very excited to see that Pastor Jeff was going to continue with additional commentary and critique of the LDS Standard Works. Now for the Pearl of Great Price. That is excellent.
Hello Saints Reviews
Reviews of Pastor Jeff and Hello Saints.
Hello Saints Review – Why Some Say, “LDS Aren’t Christians”
Maybe being called a “Christian” is similar to being called a “Mormon.” We should desire to be called by his name, Jesus Christ. Maybe the word Christian is a subtle distraction from the name we should seek to follow. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ. Honestly, after everything that was explained… I’m not sure that the word Christian is much better than the word Mormon.
REVIEW – Pastor Jeff Reads 3rd Nephi
To start, I am very glad that Pastor Jeff had Greg Matson there as he reviewed this book. There are a lot of complex things taking place and Greg is sure to make sure they are understood.
Pastor Jeff Reads the Book of Mormon
I’m sorry, but I am geeking out on the Hello Saints channel by Pastor Jeff and his videos reading the Book of Mormon. It has been fascinating to me. Not because he is sharing anything profound, but how often he reinforces my love for the Book of Mormon.