I had to give my 2 cents on Red One. My family and I went to see the movie over Thanksgiving Day weekend. As a dad, it was not my favorite Christmas movie. It was intended to capture money at the box office with Marvel-style fighting and not intended to spiritually enlighten anyone. Just a popcorn movie.
Pastor Jeff and Dallas Jenkins Interview
I stayed up last night and watched the new video released by Hello Saints and Pastor Jeff, featuring Dallas Jenkins, the creator of The Chosen. I found the video really interesting, as it was insightful to hear what two faithful evangelicals had to say about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Here are a few of my takeaways.
Dallas Jenkins – BYU Speeches – Five Loaves and Two Fishes
Dallas Jenkins of The Chosen spoke at the Tuesday BYU Devotional. He shared a very inspiring talk about failure and turning your life over to God. Five Loaves and Two Fishes. There is only so much you can do, and the Lord does the rest. The message is well worth 30 minutes of your time.
A Review of Hello Saints Visit to the October 2020 General Conference
A review of Hello Saints with Pastor Jeff and his wife Joy having attended the LDS General Conference. It’s my take on what they said and what they missed. I think they missed the analogy of Priesthood Power.
Pastor Jeff from Hello Saints Attends Education Week
A review of Pastor Jeff from Hello Saints attended Education Week at BYU. Let’s talk about what he learned and share a few thoughts about it.
Hello Saints – Pastor Jeff & wife – The Garden of Eden
They start to talk about the differences between our beliefs in the Garden of Eden. In one way it is so surprising to me, in other ways, it is not.
Jacob Hansen and Trent Horn Debate the Book of Mormon
I was so impressed with this debate. I don’t want to say too much about it. I’m not articulate or scholarly enough to argue these points. Rather I would encourage you to watch it or listen to it yourself.
The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives
Here are the facts. These women are NOT representative of faithful active LDS women. Plain and simple. If you are on the covenant path you are not doing the things these women do. It’s just that simple.
Pastor Jeff from Hello Saints Visits the MTC
These missionaries are sons and daughters that have in most cases, barely graduated from High School and never lived away from home. They are all experiencing life on their own for the first time. In a lot of cases, their testimonies are small. Yet they have chosen to serve God. Be kind to them and get to know them. They are each amazing people.
Top 10 LDS Movies
I thought I would take a moment and share a few of my favorite LDS Movies. Some are relatively new like Witnesses and Fighting Preacher, others are classics like Legacy and The Testaments. In between is a whole bunch of goodness, for example, The Work and the Glory and The Other side of Heaven. If you are looking for something good to watch, try one of the titles on my list.