There are a lot of things I like about Morgan Philpot. There are a few things that make me scratch my head, but they are outnumbered by the really impressive things he shares. I get there is a lot of speculation as to how things fit together, but there are […]
REVIEW – Pastor’s HONEST Thoughts on Latter-day Saint Temples
Overall, this was a very honest and respectful compare and contrast of LDS temples, LDS beliefs sand protestant beliefs.
REVIEW – Stick of Joseph – DNA Evidence for The Book of Mormon and Heartland Geographic Model
This was a great discussion. I really loved the direction it went, and the knowledge Rodney L. Meldrum brought to the table. It started with Rodney sharing his conversion as a young man then went into a discussion about Book of Mormon DNA presented by the mother of a young man in his ward.
REVIEW – Pastor Jeff Reads 3rd Nephi – Part 2
There was a connection Pastor Jeff made at the [11:45] mark where he found the scriptural foundation for not focusing on the resurrection and not the cross.
He realized that in the bible the phrasing was pre-crucifixion and in the book of Mormon it was post-resurrection. And they were both phrased differently:
REVIEW – Pastor Jeff Reads 3rd Nephi
To start, I am very glad that Pastor Jeff had Greg Matson there as he reviewed this book. There are a lot of complex things taking place and Greg is sure to make sure they are understood.
Hello Saints Review by Stand Firm Saints
I recently came across a video by Stand Firm Saints with a pretty solid stance against Hello Saints. If you have read any of my posts you will know I really like Hello Saints, but I am also critical of some of the content. His teachings and perspective confirm to me that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the true church.
Pastor Jeff Reads the Book of Mormon
I’m sorry, but I am geeking out on the Hello Saints channel by Pastor Jeff and his videos reading the Book of Mormon. It has been fascinating to me. Not because he is sharing anything profound, but how often he reinforces my love for the Book of Mormon.