This is one of my favorite songs. This particular version was created by the group Inside Out. If you are not familiar with the group Inside Out, I highly recommend their two albums “Sharing Time” and “Primary Colors.” They are two of the most creative albums I have ever heard. […]
It is interesting when it comes down to it, reading your scriptures and praying every day really does have an impact on your view of religion and the world.
Peter Santenello – Dinner with Mormons
I can honestly say I have never heard of this guy or his YouTube channel before. It just looked interesting. I am a “Mormon” member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and so I have a particular interest in good stories about the LDS faith. From here on out I will refer to them as LDS.
Matt Jeppson Review – Children of Light
My cousin shared a video with me of this guy named Matt Jeppson. He is kind of like Morgan Philpot in that he is an attorney, good at study and research, and he is also focused on the last days. I was pretty amazed by what Matt came up with […]
The Holy Bible
I was on social media; I admit I have had a hard time keeping away from it. I was supposed to go on a fast from it and failed. I need to try again. Either way, I came across a post where a pastor was reading from the new “Gen Z” translation of the bible.
REVIEW – Hello Saints – Pastor REACTS to Latter-day Saint View of Afterlife
This is going to be interesting. The talk given by Elder Oaks was marvelous. I absolutely loved it. But, how will Pastor Jeff take it? I can see it rubbing him wrong in a few places. He has hinted time and time again that this doctrine rubs him wrong because in his eyes it conflicts with the bible.
Morgan Philpot
There are a lot of things I like about Morgan Philpot. There are a few things that make me scratch my head, but they are outnumbered by the really impressive things he shares. I get there is a lot of speculation as to how things fit together, but there are […]
REVIEW – Pastor’s HONEST Thoughts on Latter-day Saint Temples
Overall, this was a very honest and respectful compare and contrast of LDS temples, LDS beliefs sand protestant beliefs.
REVIEW – Stick of Joseph – DNA Evidence for The Book of Mormon and Heartland Geographic Model
This was a great discussion. I really loved the direction it went, and the knowledge Rodney L. Meldrum brought to the table. It started with Rodney sharing his conversion as a young man then went into a discussion about Book of Mormon DNA presented by the mother of a young man in his ward.
REVIEW – Pastor Jeff Reads 3rd Nephi – Part 2
There was a connection Pastor Jeff made at the [11:45] mark where he found the scriptural foundation for not focusing on the resurrection and not the cross.
He realized that in the bible the phrasing was pre-crucifixion and in the book of Mormon it was post-resurrection. And they were both phrased differently: