There is some great meat and potatoes in here related to knowledge I do recommend you listen to the whole thing.
Fidelity in Marriage
I was sitting in the adult session of stake conference last night. I’m not always excited about going to one more meeting and that meeting being Saturday evening. But, my neighbor the tech guru who manages the remote broadcasts for the stake needed help testing the system so I volunteered […]
What is the purpose of life?
I was listening to a talk recently where a man spoke of meeting an elderly woman while on his mission. She had lived a full life. Her husband had passed and she was then a widow. She was asked the question, “what is the purpose of life?” and she sincerely replied, “I don’t know.” She had lived a full life from birth until her senior years. Still, she had no idea what the purpose was.
Is AI the antithesis of God?
It is hard not to believe that the advancements in AI are going to one day appear God-like in nature.
Sabbath Day Observance
I had an interesting discussion with a coworker the other day about keeping the Sabbath Day Holy.
The First Article of Faith
We believe in God the Eternal Father, and in His Son Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.
This is one of my favorite songs. This particular version was created by the group Inside Out. If you are not familiar with the group Inside Out, I highly recommend their two albums “Sharing Time” and “Primary Colors.” They are two of the most creative albums I have ever heard. […]
It is interesting when it comes down to it, reading your scriptures and praying every day really does have an impact on your view of religion and the world.
Peter Santenello – Dinner with Mormons
I can honestly say I have never heard of this guy or his YouTube channel before. It just looked interesting. I am a “Mormon” member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and so I have a particular interest in good stories about the LDS faith. From here on out I will refer to them as LDS.
Matt Jeppson Review – Children of Light
My cousin shared a video with me of this guy named Matt Jeppson. He is kind of like Morgan Philpot in that he is an attorney, good at study and research, and he is also focused on the last days. I was pretty amazed by what Matt came up with […]