A review of Hello Saints with Pastor Jeff and his wife Joy having attended the LDS General Conference. It’s my take on what they said and what they missed. I think they missed the analogy of Priesthood Power.
Ye Know Me Not
Do you know God? For how knoweth a man the master whom he has not served, and who is a stranger unto him, and is far from the thoughts and intents of his heart?
Just Because
Just because I post biblical truths, doesn’t mean I am someone that’s got it all together… Trust me I NEED JESUS too.
Pastor Jeff from Hello Saints Attends Education Week
A review of Pastor Jeff from Hello Saints attended Education Week at BYU. Let’s talk about what he learned and share a few thoughts about it.
The Ascension of Isaiah
Isaiah saw the Godhead. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost and they were three different separate beings. His testimony mirrors the testimony of Joseph Smith. It contradicts trinitarian belief that they are one being.
Should I Serve a Mission
I spent some time writing a letter to my daughter about serving a mission. It was long. She may not read all of it. But I felt it was important for me to say these things. It stems from the question, are you serving a mission for the right reasons?
Exploring the Lectures on Faith – Lecture Third
I am exploring the Lectures on Faith by Joseph Smith. In Lecture Third we are to learn about the Character of God. Let’s begin.
Exploring the Lectures on Faith – Lecture Second
I’m exploring the Lectures on Faith by Joseph Smith. Here are some thoughts on the Lecture Second.
Exploring the Lectures on Faith – First Lecture
Someone recently said that the Lectures on Faith are Joseph Smith revealing to man how to know God. In the old days, Adam walked with God. It would not have been uncommon for those who knew the first fathers, those patriarchs who walked and talked with God, to have been taught the true nature of God and how to come to know him. As time went on we were taught that God was unknowable and mysterious.
Hope for a Better World
As I was praying this morning, I thought of the phrase that said “hope for a better world.” The world often focuses on “World Peace.” It often seems the world wants the slogan, but not the actual world peace. It caused me to think though… what is or would be a “better world?”