I started listening to the book 2 Esdras. I was driving back from Vernal, UT to Cedar Hills, UT which is about a 3 hour drive. Honestly, I wanted to hear the full Esdras Eagle Prophecy. But I thought I would know and understand more if I read the whole book. Sometimes I have a hard time reading a lot. So, listening is great. The narrator on the YouTube video I chose was awesome.
Gospel Topics
2Esdras 1 & 2 – Full text of Esdras Eagle
2 Esdras 11 1 Then saw I a dream, and, behold, there came up from the sea an eagle, which had twelve feathered wings, and three heads. 2 And I saw, and, behold, she spread her wings over all the earth, and all the winds of the air blew on […]
1 Esdras
I listened to the book of 1 Esdras today. I’ve been curious what the books of the apocrypha say due to my interest in the Esdras Eagle prophecy. So, on a family trip I decided to pull up that book and listen to it. Time and time again it reminded me of reading the book of Ether in the Book of Mormon. I thought that was interesting.
Sound of Freedom – Human Trafficking
I went to see Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny and the preview for Sound of Freedom played before the movie. Honestly, I knew it was coming out. I purposefully did not watch the preview because the topic is sickening to me. There I was, stuck in the movie theater watching the preview. I was so moved by the preview, I started to tear up. It was so much more powerful than I ever expected it to be.
Love All Mankind
I was writing a talk for church this coming Sunday. As I did so, my heart pondered upon the love for all mankind.
Book of Enoch
So, I am not a scholar. I’m not a good writer either. I’ll be the first to admit that. With that said, I’m going to make a few comments about The Book of Enoch.
Pastor Jeff Reads the Book of Mormon
I’m sorry, but I am geeking out on the Hello Saints channel by Pastor Jeff and his videos reading the Book of Mormon. It has been fascinating to me. Not because he is sharing anything profound, but how often he reinforces my love for the Book of Mormon.
Screaming Evil Spirits
As we continued to walk, I was filled with a pit of complete despair so much so that I felt I could not walk up any further. I stopped. I turned to Ben and Kevin. I said, I can’t go any further, I feel something evil up here. Ben told me he agreed. He had felt something evil as well.
Pastor & Latter-Day Saint Compare Beliefs – Reaction
I absolutely love these videos by Pastor Jeff on Hello Saints. I love what I have learned about other religions, but most of all, they reinforce my faith. As I listen the doctrines are pretty black and white. I commend Pastor Jeff for taking this journey of understanding. Here is […]
Teach Them to Feel and Recognize the Holy Ghost
I taught primary for years and years. As often happens in primary classes, the teacher will take some time at the beginning for “apples and onions” or the kids can share something good and something bad that happened to them during the week.