At church today, the bishops got up to bear his testimony and said the prophet asked us to think spiritual. Toward the end of his testimony, he confesses that he received 5 text messages about his error. Then made the correction, the prophet asked us to think celestial.
Gospel Topics
General Conference – October 2023 Evening Session
She is my sister; he is my brother.
General Conference – October 2023 Afternoon Session
The greatest lesson we can learn in mortality is that when God Speaks, we listen. I think I typed that up wrong. But I reminded me of what I tell my kids and primary kids (when I taught primary). The most important thing you can learn in your life is to learn to hear and recognize the Holy Ghost. That is so important. I cannot even say how much.
General Conference – October 2023 Morning Session
My wife asked me the other day, what do I want out of General Conference? I asked her, what do you mean? She said, I should ask for some questions I would like answered while listening. I hadn’t thought about that. It wasn’t hard to come up with something to ask for. I want to know what I need to do to be “Worthy of Zion”.
Pastor Jeff Exposed
I watched part of a video by David Alexander who is a semi-recent convert to the LDS faith. He has been very vocal on YouTube about his conversion. I thought his story was interesting.
The Burning Book – A Jewish Latter Day Saint Story
I listened to this video while mowing and edging the lawn today. It was a bit longer than expected so I listened while weeding and going other chores as well.
The Book of Helaman
A review of Pastor Jeff reading the Book of Helaman in the Book of Mormon. I’m going to purposefully skip the highlights, where he gives an outline of the stories he read.
Never Give Up an Opportunity to Testify of Christ
I was listening to the April 2023 General Conference today and came across the talk “Never Give Up an Opportunity to Testify of Christ” by Bonnie H Cordon. It was a lovely talk about her father and his admonition to never give up an opportunity to testify of Christ.
Letter of Jeremiah
What did I enjoy about this book? One thing was that it reminded me of many of the conversations I have with my children. Describing the differences between good and evil. Admonishing my children to reject the world and remain faithful to God. The perfect example was of me giving my child a cell phone and warning her of all the dangers that exist on it. Of course, the cellphone had about every filter and block on it possible. I still counseled her about the dangers of the phone.
1 Maccabees
I’m not going to write much about this. I feel like I’m reading JR Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings. I’m having a super hard time getting into it. Honestly, it makes me think of D&C 91 where the spirit will tell you what is truth. When I read Esdras, even though there were a small handful of things that were meh. This book is seriously not doing it for me. I have not felt the spirit or enlightened one bit.