A review of Let’s Get Real with Stephen Jones interview with Brad Wilcox.
Gospel Topics
Don’t be under the influence
Don’t be under the influence? What am I talking about? Well, the title is supposed to be a little funny on one hand but serious on the other. So, what am I talking about? Influencers.
REVIEW – Hello Saints – Pastor REACTS to Latter-day Saint View of Afterlife
This is going to be interesting. The talk given by Elder Oaks was marvelous. I absolutely loved it. But, how will Pastor Jeff take it? I can see it rubbing him wrong in a few places. He has hinted time and time again that this doctrine rubs him wrong because in his eyes it conflicts with the bible.
Morgan Philpot
There are a lot of things I like about Morgan Philpot. There are a few things that make me scratch my head, but they are outnumbered by the really impressive things he shares. I get there is a lot of speculation as to how things fit together, but there are […]
REVIEW – Pastor’s HONEST Thoughts on Latter-day Saint Temples
Overall, this was a very honest and respectful compare and contrast of LDS temples, LDS beliefs sand protestant beliefs.
REVIEW – Stick of Joseph – DNA Evidence for The Book of Mormon and Heartland Geographic Model
This was a great discussion. I really loved the direction it went, and the knowledge Rodney L. Meldrum brought to the table. It started with Rodney sharing his conversion as a young man then went into a discussion about Book of Mormon DNA presented by the mother of a young man in his ward.
All you need to do is pick the winners.
In the lesson, the teacher made the statement that old Biff made to young Biff; “All I have to do is bet on a winner.”
Sacrament Prayer
I had the rare experience of blessing the sacrament with the priests a few weeks back. They ask people to help occasionally when there are not enough priests present. Even then, there are so many active members I think it has been 10 years since I was involved with blessing the sacrament
By small and simple means
I was at work yesterday. My boss, Davis and I were talking to co-worker about a new position they were filling. David shared a quote from I had not hear before “Slow is Smooth and Smooth is Fast”. I understand the principle, but I really enjoyed how it explained it in terms of this individual learning their new position. As pondered it more, the phase resonated with many things I knew to be true.
REVIEW – Pastor Jeff Reads 3rd Nephi – Part 2
There was a connection Pastor Jeff made at the [11:45] mark where he found the scriptural foundation for not focusing on the resurrection and not the cross.
He realized that in the bible the phrasing was pre-crucifixion and in the book of Mormon it was post-resurrection. And they were both phrased differently: