I can honestly say I have never heard of this guy or his YouTube channel before. It just looked interesting. I am a “Mormon” member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and so I have a particular interest in good stories about the LDS faith. From here on out I will refer to them as LDS.
Gospel Topics
Patriarchal Blessing
A Patriarchal Blessing is a strange thing. I received mine when I was about 22. I know the patriarch gets to know you a bit before giving you the blessing. Either way, he sure seemed to know a lot about me. At least what I could tell from what I know about my character. I can say he hit the nail on the head more than once.
Matt Jeppson Review – Children of Light
My cousin shared a video with me of this guy named Matt Jeppson. He is kind of like Morgan Philpot in that he is an attorney, good at study and research, and he is also focused on the last days. I was pretty amazed by what Matt came up with […]
Meme – Our Souls Cry Out
“Our souls cry out: ‘God hasten the day of the coming of thy Son,’ and yet we know that such cannot be. The day is fixed and the hour is set. The signs have been, are now, and will hereafter be shown forth. Our obligation is to discern the signs of the times lest we, with the world, be taken unawares” – McConkie, Millennial Messiah, 405
Too many members rely on a spiritual experience and not their spiritual habits
At church today I heard the following line: “Too many members rely on a spiritual experience and not their spiritual habits.” That was a great line. Don’t ask me whose quote it is… I don’t know. So, what does it mean?
The Holy Bible
I was on social media; I admit I have had a hard time keeping away from it. I was supposed to go on a fast from it and failed. I need to try again. Either way, I came across a post where a pastor was reading from the new “Gen Z” translation of the bible.
Esdras Eagle and President Biden
I am completely convinced that President Biden is the second short feather on the right wing. It is now February 10, 2024 and we are witnessing the continued decline of President Biden. Even through it all the left is holding onto him at all cost. Why?
I think Brother Brad Wilcox Understands Being Worthy of Zion
A review of Let’s Get Real with Stephen Jones interview with Brad Wilcox.
Don’t be under the influence
Don’t be under the influence? What am I talking about? Well, the title is supposed to be a little funny on one hand but serious on the other. So, what am I talking about? Influencers.
REVIEW – Hello Saints – Pastor REACTS to Latter-day Saint View of Afterlife
This is going to be interesting. The talk given by Elder Oaks was marvelous. I absolutely loved it. But, how will Pastor Jeff take it? I can see it rubbing him wrong in a few places. He has hinted time and time again that this doctrine rubs him wrong because in his eyes it conflicts with the bible.