Elder Alexander Dushku Pillars and Rays

Rather than sending us a pillar of light, the Lord sends us a ray of light, and then another, and another. Those rays of light are continuously being poured down upon us. The scriptures teach that Jesus Christ “is the light and … life of the world,” that His “Spirit giveth light to every man [and woman] that cometh into the world,” and that His light “fill[s] the immensity of space,” giving “life to all things.” The Light of Christ is literally all around us.

Meme – God Left the World Unfinished

“God left the world unfinished for
man to work his skill upon. He left
the electricity in the cloud, the oil
in the earth. He left the rivers
unbridged and the forests unfelled
and the cities unbuilt. God gives to
man the challenge of raw materials,
not the ease of finished things. He
leaves the pictures unpainted and
the music unsung and the problems
unsolved, that man might know
the joys and glories of creation.”
– Thomas S Monson

Meme – Our Souls Cry Out

“Our souls cry out: ‘God hasten the day of the coming of thy Son,’ and yet we know that such cannot be. The day is fixed and the hour is set. The signs have been, are now, and will hereafter be shown forth. Our obligation is to discern the signs of the times lest we, with the world, be taken unawares” – McConkie, Millennial Messiah, 405