And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.
Holy Ghost
Read and Pray about the Book of Mormon
I received this thoughtful answer to a video I posted on YouTube. It was intended to tell me I was interpreting the scriptures wrong. And one of my biggest errors was being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This is my response.
Spiritual Peaks and Valleys
The real goal is heeding and following every prompting from the Holy Ghost.
Protect the Private Times of Your Life – Lamp
“Protect the private times of your life,” he said. “You know those moments of your life when you think, ‘There’s no one else around, nobody else knows what I’m doing, and nothing that I’m going to do during this moment will have any negative effect on anyone else’? You know those times?”
Personally Spiritual
Being worthy to enter Zion is personal. You either lived worthy, or you didn’t. You either followed Christ, or you didn’t. You either repented, or you didn’t. In the private times of your life, you are either spiritual or you are not. You either know how to listen to and feel the holy ghost or you don’t.
It Is Never Easy
It isn’t up to someone else to decide what I need to do to return to God, it is up to me. It is my path that I walk with God and the Holy Ghost. To walk that path more completely and to have that inspiration more completely, what do I need to do?
How did I do this week? May 29, 2024
The kids asked me what the Holy Ghost feels like. I talked to them about two experiences I had this week when I felt the Holy Ghost and what if felt like to me. It went really well for once.
JAMES P. PORTER – Receiving and Recognizing the Holy Ghost
Brother Porter starts by illustrating how the human body uses growth hormones created by endocrine glands to tell the body what to grow. Only certain cells can receive these messages and need interceptors to in a sense receive the messages or hormones created by the endocrine glands. The human body truly is miraculous. Our bodies and spirits are much like these cells. We need to develop spiritual receptors to receive the messages of the Holy Ghost.
How did I do this week? May 3, 2024
Why is that witness of the Holy Ghost so important? It testifies of Jesus Christ.
The Holy Ghost
“The most important thing you can learn in this life is to feel and recognize the Holy Ghost.”