Gospel Topics
Back in the Tunnel
This is pretty personal; about the mental illness we are experiencing in our family right now. I’m not sure it helps anyone, but it helps me at least express my feelings.
Hello Saints Review – Why Some Say, “LDS Aren’t Christians”
Maybe being called a “Christian” is similar to being called a “Mormon.” We should desire to be called by his name, Jesus Christ. Maybe the word Christian is a subtle distraction from the name we should seek to follow. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ. Honestly, after everything that was explained… I’m not sure that the word Christian is much better than the word Mormon.
Who Can Tell the Fce of a Saint?
he time is coming when we will be mixed up in these now peaceful valleys to that extent that it will be difficult to tell the face of a Saint from the face of an enemy to the people of God
Faith of Angels – Moview Review
Faith of Angels is the story of Joshua Dennis, a 10-year-old boy camping near an abandoned treasure mine in the Oqhir Mountains of Utah; he becomes lost while exploring the mine; ultimately, it would take five days to find him.
Tithing Lawsuit Against the LDS Church
Thoughts on Paying Tithing and the Lawsuit Against the Church and Its Administration of Tithing Funds
NYNYS Mission April 21-27, 1997
April 21, 1997, Monday Well, what a day. We had another baptism. We’re now at 33. 1 away, 2 to break it. I am on a new kick to follow the spirit. I’m trying. Nothing cool happened I guess. April 22, 1997, Tuesday Well, we worked hard today and also […]
If we are to build that Zion – Gordon B Hinckley October 2021 General Conference
If we are to build that Zion – Gordon B Hinckley October 2021 General Conference
How will Esdras Eagle play out? 5 Days
How will Esdras Eagle play out? There are 5 days remaining.