Instant Backache

As I got into the truck I was thinking about listening to the next book or finishing the book I was listening to in the Apocrypha, which was Baruch.  As I got into the truck, my back started to throb in sharp bursts of pain, down where my kidneys are.  It was a throbbing pain that felt like somebody had punched me in the kidneys and my muscles were spasming.

Falling to My Death

As I have been reading my mission journals, I have come across many instances where I kept my past a secret. I’m not 100% sure what it was. The desire could have been from embarrassment or a feeling as though it was not appropriate. There was an extreme embarrassment around peers. Having to explain why I was so far behind my peers.

NYNYS Mission May 14-23, 1996

Nothing more counts than doing your best. What does it matter if someone is better? Will you become worse because you are focusing on them (something you are not) and not focusing on yourself (something you are)?

I am starting to respect my companion a lot. He’s actually a very good guy. He has a lot of excellent qualities. I am very much loving his companionship.

Letter of Jeremiah

What did I enjoy about this book? One thing was that it reminded me of many of the conversations I have with my children. Describing the differences between good and evil. Admonishing my children to reject the world and remain faithful to God. The perfect example was of me giving my child a cell phone and warning her of all the dangers that exist on it. Of course, the cellphone had about every filter and block on it possible. I still counseled her about the dangers of the phone.

1 Maccabees

I’m not going to write much about this. I feel like I’m reading JR Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings. I’m having a super hard time getting into it. Honestly, it makes me think of D&C 91 where the spirit will tell you what is truth. When I read Esdras, even though there were a small handful of things that were meh. This book is seriously not doing it for me. I have not felt the spirit or enlightened one bit.

2 Esdras

I started listening to the book 2 Esdras. I was driving back from Vernal, UT to Cedar Hills, UT which is about a 3 hour drive. Honestly, I wanted to hear the full Esdras Eagle Prophecy. But I thought I would know and understand more if I read the whole book. Sometimes I have a hard time reading a lot. So, listening is great. The narrator on the YouTube video I chose was awesome.