Ended with the Apostles

I was reading the Pearl of Great Price today and came across two passages that made me reflect upon Pastor Jeff. Not wanting to go to the extreme on him, but rather draw some differences. As I was reading these two verses flew off the page at me in relation to things I have heard Pastor Jeff talk about

NYNYS Mission June 3-6, 1996

Wow, rain all day.  12 hours straight.   Wow did we get wet.  It’s a good thing we didn’t have an appointment today or we wouldn’t have gotten very wet.  A member made us some hot chocolate.  That was nice of them.  Well, that’s about the extent of it all.  Transfer calls came and [Elder] and I are together for one more month. 

Two interesting things from today

I was at work today and one of my coworkers told me a story about a concert he had gone to the night before. It was Pantera and Lamb of God, two heavy metal bands. He said there came a point in the concert where they asked everyone in the audience to flip the bird. His daughter looked at her dad knowing it was bad, but asking what should I do? I listened to him explain that he told her it wasn’t a big deal and just do what everyone else is doing.

NYNYS Mission May 28-31, 1996

I had been out and around Manhattan all day.  When I went back to meet my comp in Time Square an Elder told me a girl, a nanny from Connecticut was looking for me and she was just there.  She was now up the street so I ran up the street.  I went up the street I saw a little crowd of girls and Lisa, Matt Johnson’s girlfriend was there.   She remembered I was in New York and looked for me.  Of all the days we ended up in Manhattan on the same day. What a blessing.  She was even at my farewell. Wow.