By small and simple means

I was at work yesterday.  My boss, Davis and I were talking to co-worker about a new position they were filling.  David shared a quote from I had not hear before “Slow is Smooth and Smooth is Fast”. I understand the principle, but I really enjoyed how it explained it in terms of this individual learning their new position. As pondered it more, the phase resonated with many things I knew to be true.

NYNYS Mission July 19-23, 1996

At this time, I was in Sunnyside / Woodside Queens. I talk about the airplanes making their approach to LaGuardia over Queens. I mentioned the trains in Brooklyn. My first area in East New York, our chapel was an old gas station converted into the equivalent of a storefront church. The train would pass by and it would be so loud they would need to pause sacrament meeting. That on top of the adjustable microphone that made loud screeching noises each time it was adjusted or moved. And every person who talked needed to adjust the mic.

A Candle Dream 

I was interviewing or had just started with a guy when he needed to step out for some reason.  I stood and started walking looking around.  I came across the weird candle.  It was like a short tapered vase with lots of sticks coming out the top, then a big match head on top.  It was almost like they took half a box of matches and combined them as one big match head.  Stuffed them inside a funny shaped candle vase.

How did I do this week? December 10, 2023

So, I have felt mostly in tune with things spiritual, but I did have one strange experience this week. My wife struggles with a condition called trigeminal neuralgia. She developed it after a second bout with shingles. I remember when it first developed. Wow, talk about a difficult time. She was in so much pain she basically closed off the world including me and the kids. This condition started about 10 years ago. Over the last few weeks, she has been expressing that the condition has been “firing.” Firing is her term for it because it relates to how it feels. Sharp bursts of electrical shocks in her face.